Dusk over the Bridge of Lions, by Stacey Sather, SGS Design & Art, St Augustine, Florida
It takes a pool of talent and hard work to bring books to life. Our dedicated team is small but mighty. And growing.
Kellie Sharpe
With an inborn sense of knowing a great writer when she sees one, Kellie lives for the moment an author begins to believe their work can come to life as a book, and then for the moment it does. Her authors are her family, and their success is hers.
Gloria Marlow
Outreach Director
When Gloria’s not buried under her happy pile of grandkids, she is creating experiences for her family, creating experiences for her readers, and looking for ways to reach out to those in need.
peggy clark
Editor | proofreader
Peggy prefers the company of horses. When she’s not scrutinizing a manuscript, she and her daughter Mary Kathryn coach, train, and haul endurance riders and horses to competitions worldwide